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Event list for 14. 3. 2017

  • Train with Jacob - advanced

    06.00 - 07.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Are you a runner, or are you just starting to run? Are you looking for a new challenge? Do you want to get ready for your favorite race or just run your first K?

    Jacob Bína, famous Czech trainer and front man of Skyline music band will help you with that. We offer trainings for advanced runners as well as for beginners. The capacity is limited, so save your spot by buying a membership.

    The cost of the course is  2 000 Kč and it needs to be paid in advance. In case of a free spot during the course, a single entry for 200 Kč and pre registering is an option too.

    Please contact us with any further questions.

    Have you signed up already?

  • Running Yoga

    07.30 - 08.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public
    Capacity: 12

    Helena McAlorum leads this practice of flexibility and balance of the body, mind, and soul of the runner. You can enjoy this relaxing session after previous training or like a single training.

    Warning for the Running Mall visitors: Sport Lounge is closed during the Running Yoga lesson. Keep silence, please.

    Trainer: Helena McAlorum


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

  • Pilates

    08.30 - 09.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Pilates is a physical exercise involving controlled movements, stretching and breathing.

    It is designed to improve our physical strength, flexibility posture and mental awareness.

    Pilates can be practiced by anyone, from beginners, to intermediate then to advanced. Through this gymnastic we refine our body center, improving our balance and our everyday movements.

    The first and most important part of it is the breathing, a posterior lateral breathing; engaging our abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. 

    As a result our bodies become more toned, longer and our posture improves, often making those continuous back and neck pain dissapear.


    This lesson is leaded by English speaking instructor. 


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

  • Cardio workout

    18.00 - 19.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    In our cardio workout class we will be focusing on bringing and keeping our heart beat higher than usual.

    In this way we will burn calories and unneeded fats, toning our bodies and empowering our muscular apparatus.

    Each class will have a different circuit than the previous so to continuously stimulate our bodies and our mind awareness, using at times weights or gym equipment or at times just our body weight.

    As a result we will have more resistance, give our bodies the shape we want them to have , bring our limits always higher and improve our breath.

    Not only our physical appearance will improve, but so will our minds.



    This lesson is leaded by English speaking instructor. 


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

  • Training with coach

    18.30 - 20.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

     What you can expect at this training?

    • Warm-up 10 minutes
    • Fartlek 20/40 x 10x3
    • 10 minutes trotting


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

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