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Event list for 13. 9. 2017

  • Functional training

    07.00 - 08.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Do you want to strengthen the center of your body? Work on your stability? Or to enhance collection yours races with a new experience- run with obstacles? Or do you want to just wake up in the morning and be in a great mood for your working day?

    You can work on all these points on functional training with Simona.

    Outdoor training combines within one-hour running and functional exercises (mostly) with your own weight. Only in case of bad weather, we will use The Club Lounge in Running Mall, which offers tools for strength training.

    Each workout is different, but you will love it. You do have the opportunity to compare with other, or just yourself because of physical tests. 



    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200

  • Running school of Prague 7

    18.30 - 19.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Free Running training for inhabitants of Prague 7. The meeting is in Running Mall. Training takes place in Stromovka or Letná park. We will give you many good advices how to enjoy running and how to improve your running performance. All Running Mall spaces an open for you. PIM Running Club members can attend this training as well.

    For citizens of Prague 7 no fee         


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration!

    Members of PIM ClubFree entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

  • Zane´s Run

    18.30 - 19.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    We invite you to our special event “Zane’s Run” in a memory of our dearest friend late Zane Branson, IAAF Athlete Representative and co-founder of RunCzech Racing team.
    If you are the person loving running and spirit of camaraderie, come and join us for 5K run from the Running Mall through Stromovka park and back.

    Read more about Zane Branson here:

    Learn more about RunCzech Racing here:

  • Running Yoga

    19.30 - 20.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Helena McAlorum leads this practice of flexibility and balance of the body, mind, and soul of the runner. You can enjoy this relaxing session after previous training or like a single training.

    Warning for the Running Mall visitors: Sport Lounge is closed during the Running Yoga lesson. Keep silence, please.

    Trainer: Helena McAlorum


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM ClubFree entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč

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