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Event list for 23. 2. 2017

  • Pilates

    07.00 - 08.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Pilates is a physical exercise involving controlled movements, stretching and breathing.

    It is designed to improve our physical strength, flexibility posture and mental awareness.

    Pilates can be practiced by anyone, from beginners, to intermediate then to advanced. Through this gymnastic we refine our body center, improving our balance and our everyday movements.

    The first and most important part of it is the breathing, a posterior lateral breathing; engaging our abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. 

    As a result our bodies become more toned, longer and our posture improves, often making those continuous back and neck pain dissapear.


    This lesson is leaded by English speaking instructor. 


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 Kč


  • Tempo

    18.30 - 20.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public
    Capacity: 30

    For those with the need for speed. The advice and style of this training session will get you to the finish line quicker. But we are doing more thank only "faster" kilometres. We focus on the warm-up, running excersises, after the training we stretch well.

    - intermediates : 3000-2000-2000-1000m

    - early intermediates : 4000m

    Trainer: Michal and Jan Kreisinger

  • Effect of endurance running on health

    19.30 - 20.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

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