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Event list for 11. 6. 2018

  • Functional training (Outdoor)

    07.00 - 08.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Why not to run into a new day filled with positive energy? Whether you are looking for a complementary training to your daily running sessions, or you´re getting ready for run with obstacles, our trainings with Simona are the right way how to strengthen the center of your body and get more stability. Reaching better results is our ultimate goal.

    Every training is unique; we combine indoor and outdoor version depending on the weather conditions:


    • outdoor version combines running (5-6 km maximum) and 2-3 blocks functional training, including working out with your own weight, plyometric exercise, and excercise stabilizing the centre of your body
    • indoor version focuses on strengthening of your body using additional equipment (KB, dumbbells, multipress, gymball)
    • both versions include several benchmark trainings (4-5 sets with 2-3 repetitions)


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 CZK

  • Mattoni FreeRun Stromovka

    18.45 - 20.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Mattoni FreeRun = 5 km long trail certificated by the Czech Athletics Federation. You will be introduced into the basics of running training - warming up, the runner´s alphabet or the art of stretching after the training.

    Not only our great team is what to be looking forward to, as we also take part in special events organized by individual groups, while Mattoni helps you to stick to the proper water intake. 


    Follow our FB groups and seek more information there.


    Trainers: Pavel a Míša

  • Running Yoga

    19.30 - 20.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Our yoga sessions are tailored to fit all of you seeking stretching, muscle strengthening, and relaxation at the same time. You will connect to your spiritual self through practicing concentration on your breath, focusing on the inner side of your body, as well as proper performance of every position.

    All of us are in constant rush these days, yoga teaches us how to stop for a while and enjoy the presence. You will recognize the positive impact yoga has on your body, mind and soul after repeated practicing. 

    Warning for the Running Mall visitors: Sport Lounge is closed during the Running Yoga lesson. Keep silence, please.

    Trainer: Zuzana Čurdová


    Attendance at this lesson is possible only after registration

    Members of PIM Club : Free entry

    Single entry: 200 CZK

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