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Event list for 1. 7. 2020

  • Functional training (outdoor)

    07.00 - 08.00

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Why not to run into a new day filled with positive energy? Whether you are looking for a complementary training to your daily running sessions, or you´re getting ready to run with obstacles, our trainings with Simona are the right way to strengthen your core and get more stability. Reaching better results is our ultimate goal.

    Every training is unique; we combine indoor and outdoor version depending on the weather conditions:

    • outdoor version combines running (5-6 km maximum) and 2-3 blocks functional training, including working out with your own weight, plyometric exercise, and exercise stabilizing the center of your body
    • indoor version focuses on strengthening your body using additional equipment (KB, dumbbells, multipress, gymball)
    • both versions include several benchmark trainings (4-5 sets with 2-3 repetitions)

    You need to be able to run at least 1,5km at 6:30 min/km speed.

    Capacity is limited. Make sure to book your spot!

    Coach: Simona Černá
    Single entry: 150  Kč
    First entry is free

  • Bootcamp training

    17.30 - 18.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    Each runner should be doing compensation workouts and exercises focused on the core, which help improve the results and strengthen the body. 


    This class is an indoor workout in our Running Mall Sport Lounge.

    An intense training circuit program based on economic correct movements with physical and mental strengthening, also combining with crossfit.

    You never know how far you can get unless you give it a try. 

    Capacity is limited. Make sure to book your spot!

    Coach: Vilém Bendl
    Single entry: 150 Kč
    First entry is free

  • Running Training - Technique

    18.30 - 19.30

    Place: Running Mall
    Event is public

    If you are planning to start running or want to improve your technic and results, you came to the right place.

    This class is adjusted to meet the needs of the beginning and intermediate runners. The training plan includes:

    • introduction: jogging + warming up - dynamic stretching/game playing included
    • step by step familiarization with the elements of the running/athletic alphabet + running analysis in terrain 
    • stairs/hills training technique + practice in terrain 
    • analysis of the interval training/fartlek - practice in terrain 
    • closing jogging session, cooling down and stretching

    Capacity is limited. Make sure to book your spot!

    Coach: Martin Levý
    Single entry: 150 Kč


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